*চা Script is totally depended on the grammar of ECMA Script which is parsed using Jison

Easy to Learn

চা Script was designed as a learning platform for computer programming. It can be a stepping stone for people to learn how to code but thinks language can be a barrier for them to learn something new and that is why we developed চা Script, a বাংলা scripting language with well documentation and tutorials.

Easy to Code

চা Script contains primitive and easy syntax definitions. No need for type declaration. No need for semicolons. An integrated coding enviroment is provided with keyword buttons for the ease of writing codes.

No Installation Required

চা Script do not need any kind of installation process. It is a fully web based scripting language which can also be used in offline mode if the files are downloaded in the local server/pc.However, we encourage users to download Avro Keyboard to write বাংলা.

Contact Us

Md. Nuruddin Monsur

Email: get2adnan@windowslive.com

Arman Kamal

Email: arman1790@gmail.com

Syed Tanveer Jishan

Email: tanveer_syed@live.com

Dr. Nova Ahmed

Associate Professor, North South University